Lend & Earn
Note: At this time, we are not taking any additional submissions
If you are like most luxury watch enthusiasts, chances are you have quite a collection yourself. The problem is that if you are anything like most watch enthusiasts, most watches in it are just sitting there depreciating and collecting dust.
This tends to happen because most watch collectors tend to go through the same vicious cycle.
You spend months obsessing over a piece, while you save up. Then you buy it, and you are in love, you wear it everywhere. But this honeymoon period only lasts 2-3 months tops, before that feeling is gone, and the watch just ends up getting placed into your regular rotation. Then you have about 2-3 months of using it sporadically before the watch enters the final phase of just being a watchbox queen and you eventually realize that it's been a year since you've last worn it.
Instead of just letting it sit in your watchbox, costing you money via depreciation, we invite you to lend it to our members via our Lend & Earn program.
Our Lend & Earn program helps you recoup some of the costs of owning a luxury time piece by earning a few bucks every time they go out. Use the money you make to put them towards member fees or simply request a quick cashout via PayPal.
And best of all, you don't have to worry about your watches when you use our service.
1. All watches are insured when they go out.
2. As a private club, all of our members are vetted and their identities are verified.
3. Since all our members are fellow watch enthusiasts, they'll respect your property.
And any incidental damage they cause to your watch, they'll be liable for paying to get fixed.
Overall, the Lend & Earn program is a quick and easy way to help fund your watch hobby.
Getting Started
To get started with the Lend & Earn program, simply fill out the form below to let us know more about you and the pieces you'd like to lend.